Buhler’s InfinityRoast will inspire your product innovations and assist you in creating great traditional or non-conventional roasting profiles for tailor-made flavour characteristics and physical bean properties. Energy-efficiency and sustainability are becoming ever more important in coffee processing, and the optional green coffee preheating unit of the InfinityRoast minimises energy consumption. The advanced profile control of the InfinityRoast enables you to create proprietary traditional or non-conventional mastercurves, transforming the bean’s potential into delightful flavour sensations. Create the bean’s flavour signature and control micro-structure changes by adjusting the time-temperature pathway and the air-to-bean-ratio. The InfinityRoast sets new standards in precise reproduction of the desired roasting profile for superior quality consistency. The auto-corrective high performance profile control regulates the energy input into the roasting chamber and ensures consistent and optimal heat transfer. The InfinityRoast replicates the desired time-temperature evolution of the beans with unprecedented precision. For more information, visit: http://www.buhlergroup.com/global/en/products/infinityroast-coffee-roaster.htm
How Quamar’s Premium and Professional coffee grinders set new design standards
Quamar’s Premium and Professional lines of coffee grinders are said to set a new standard for technology and design in...