On 28 January, the Cama Group will host an online round table discussing challenges facing the coffee industry from bean to cup.
Cama Group says the webinar is intended to help attendees learn how to become more coffee competitive.
Roasters, grinders, and suppliers must innovate to stay ahead of the demands of the global coffee market. Cam Group says flavours, serving concepts, packaging styles, and promotions change regularly, but capital assets don’t.
Coffee businesses need production and packaging technology that offers optimum levels of flexibility and reconfigurability, while keeping uptime and throughput to a maximum.
The agenda includes:
- Coffee market overview: financial data, volume, growth, and geography of emerging markets and market evolution.
- Current state of play: major market demands, challenges, and private label market demand.
- The next 12 months: business evolution, emerging market pressure, industry 4.0, and line flexibility.
- The end of the production line: major trends of technological demands and untapped possibilities (machine capabilities) in terms pf packaging formats/ideas that have yet to be exploited by producers.
- Final discussion: Q&A
Mark Fletcher of Technical Lucidity will moderate the panel with speakers including Alessandro Rocca, Sales Engineering Director of Cama Group, and Marco Zennaro, Assistant Managing Editor of Coffee Trend.
Guest speakers incude Marco Ciaramelli, Chief Executive Officer of Beyers Koffie, Andy Fawkes, Managing Director of Masteroast Coffee, and Mark Modenbach, VP of Manufacturing at Pod Pack International.
For more information, visit www.camagroup.com/cama-group-coffee-roundtable