B-side tracks are the unknown gems on an artist’s album record. They are those certain songs separate from the main album that live a life of their own – perhaps a remix of a classic, a live performance, an instrumental or even a spoken word. Whatever it is, the B-side always showcases raw artistic creativity without constraints and reveals something more about the artist. Paying homage to this, the B-Side delivers a unique blend created by Ducale Coffee’s roasters. The B-Side embodies a brown sugar, apple and pepper fragrance, a creamy and silky body and cocao and nectarine flavours. This product is a nod to the old Italian-style blends but built out of a collection of exclusive single origins. The B-Side Blend is featured at the Melbourne International Coffee Expo 2013 at Ducale’s stand #21. For more information visit www.ducalecoffee.com
How Costa Coffee Professional brews new workplace solutions
Costa Coffee Professional debuts its new range of automated coffee machines with patented capsule technology to cater for hotel, leisure,...