F.O Licht has released a report offering in-depth insight into the world coffee market, including its view on the drought in Brazil. The report contains an overview of production and consumption, as well as examining trade flows, current trends like sustainability and future challenges such as climate change. The report examines in detail the coffee producing regions in South America, Central America, Asia and Africa are examined in detail. The report provides a history of coffee in the areas, as well as information on the current situations. The World Coffee Market report also addresses a wide range of topics from methods of bean processing in Brazil to a decline in smuggling problems in Honduras. Selling online in pdf format, the report also discusses the International Coffee Organisation, detailing its role and function over the last 50 years.
Starbucks Colombia announces $12 million investment in new stores
On the 10th anniversary of Starbucks in Colombia, the company's operator in the country, Alsea, has announced US$12 million investment...