Global Coffee Platform (GCP) has collated and shared informational resources for producers in its member countries around the world struggling to work through the coronavirus pandemic.
GCP says as COVID-19 spreads internationally, measures to slow its transmission are being taken around the world.
In Brazil, Embrapa has provided coffee producers with guidelines for preventing the new coronavirus cases during harvest, in Portuguese. Click HERE.
The Ministry of Agriculture and National Agency for Technical Assistance and Rural Extension launched a booklet with hygiene measures for the harvest period, in Portuguese. Click HERE.
The Secretariat of Agriculture has shared harvest details specifically for producers in Rondônia of Robusta coffee, in Portuguese. Click HERE.
Rondônia also released a booklet and guides on harvest delay for these producers, in Portugese. Click HERE.
Faemg of Minas Gerais launched a booklet with guidance for preventing Covid-19 in rural areas, in Portuguese. Click HERE.
In Colombia, the Ministry of Agriculture will invest COL$41 billion (US$10.5 million) on programs to ensure the commercialisation of agricultural products and income of smallholder farmers.
The government says the “coffee harvest will have the necessary labour” and presented a package of recommendations to protect the health of agricultural workers, in Spanish. Click HERE.
The Colombian Coffee Growers Federation (FNC) has new financial incentives and credit options at its disposal and made protocols available to coffee producers to avoid the spread of COVID-19, in Spanish. Click HERE.
In Ethiopia, Addis Ababa introduced an even-odd scheme to restrict private vehicles from roads.
The Ethiopian Government released a COVID-19 Economic Impact Assessment and Policy Response Plan, in Ethiopia. Click HERE.
In Honduras, the Pan American Health Organization says COVID-19 will reach its peak on 15 June. The Central American Bank for Economic Integration and Honduras Central Bank signed an agreement fto commit US$200 million to deal with COVID-19. According to La Prensa, Honduran Specialty Coffee exports to drop due to COVID-19.
In Indonesia, the Ministry of Agriculture provides information on policies in response to COVID-19 and to maintain food security in Indonesia, available in Indonesian and English. Click HERE.
In Tanzania, the Prime Minister’s office provides update on the impact of COVID-19, in Swahili. Click HERE.
The Ministry of Health and Community Development also provides updates on national policies, in Swahili. Click HERE.
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