Lavazza Group has taken 38th place among the top 100 reputable brands in the world according to the Reputation Institute’s Global RepTrak 100 2019. Compared to its 2018 results, Lavazza has gained 11 positions due to their commendable product process innovation, working environment and maintaining social and environmental responsibility. The Reputation Institute monitors the business community, according to its Global RepTrack 100, Lavazza is the fourth largest company in world in terms of reputation in the food and beverage sector. Established in 1895 Turin, having been owned for four generations of the Lavazza family, they were acknowledged for the values it spreads to the culture of coffee, becoming the world’s most important roasters. For more information, visit
Starbucks Colombia announces $12 million investment in new stores
On the 10th anniversary of Starbucks in Colombia, the company's operator in the country, Alsea, has announced US$12 million investment...