Let’s Talk Coffee is heading to Brazil for the first time to explore all things coffee in the world’s largest producing nation.
Following the theme “Discovering Brasil” Let’s Talk Coffee 2015 will take place in Guaraparí, in the coffee-producing region of Espirito Santo. The conference will focus on Brazil’s different producing regions, processing methods, and technological innovations, as well as the Specialty Robusta species grown both in Brazil and beyond. Despite its name, Discovering Brasil will address non specifically Brazil issues too, including responsible sourcing practices and the changing world of coffee varieties. From 11 September, attendees will spend two days hearing insights from coffee industry thought leaders. On 13 September, attendees will take a trip to Espirito Santo, a diverse landscape of farms that produce both Arabica and Specialty Robusta. Let's Talk Coffee is powered by Sustainable Harvest, an importer of specialty-grade coffees from over 15 countries around the world. While recent Let’s Talk Coffees have been considerably larger than the original concept 13 years ago, Sustainable Harvest is planning a more intimate 2015 event, reminiscent of the early years. Registration is now open, with the registration price for Discovering Brasil significantly lower than in recent years. Sustainable Harvest warned that US-based attendees planning to come to Let’s Talk Coffee 2015 will need a Brazil visa and should apply as soon as possible, as the visas take several weeks to process.