The Löfberg Family Foundation announces multi-annual collaboration with the Help to Help foundation.
The Löfberg Family Foundation, which was founded in 2014 by family-owned Löfbergs coffee roasters, focuses on sustainable development in coffee-growing countries.
“We have been working with sustainability matters for more than 100 years, and we want to keep contributing to sustainable development,” says fourth generation coffee roaster and Chair of the Löfberg Family Foundation, Therese Gustafsson.
“We are looking forward to a long-term collaboration with Help to Help, a foundation that we share many interests and values with.”
The new collaboration aims to provide young people in East African countries with higher-education opportunities, specifically in professions related to agriculture, medicine, economics, and medicine.
“We are driven by a passion to create opportunities for young people in East Africa,” says acting CEO of Help to Help, Jenni Ginström.
“The support from Löfberg Family Foundation is an acknowledgement that we are doing something good, and it means that we can offer education to more young talents and realise their dreams. We are making people as well as countries stronger, in a long-term and sustainable way.”
Since 2010, Help to Help has made academic education possible for more than 850 students at universities. The charity’s work is in line with the Löfberg family’s vision to create positive moments for coming generations and complements the efforts of the Foundation.
“We believe in the power of doing things together, which is why collaborations with Help to Help and other players are important to secure and scale up positive effects. It works well as we can see in South America and Africa, where we have been active during the foundation’s first ten years,” says Gustafsson.