Specialty-coffee importers Sustainable Harvest have launched a digital learning platform called EDU for high-performing coffee producers in their network.
The first module draws knowledge from Sustainable Harvest team; the coffee research organization World Coffee Research; and the innovation laboratory of the Inter-American Development Bank Group, IDB Lab.
“Coffee producers have tremendous expertise in their craft, but don’t always have access to the highest-quality information—for example, about propagating healthy seeds and plants,” says Hanna Neuschwander, Strategy and Communications Director at World Coffee Research.
“Expanding access to high-quality information for coffee producers is critical for unlocking the potential of coffee varieties to support farmer success.”
The platform is available to members of Sustainable Harvest’s MVP (Most Valuable Producer) program, which identifies producers committed to creating the highest quality product.
The platform is now live in its beta stage, launching first in Spanish to serve MVPs based in Latin America, with participants from 58 producer organisations in Peru, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Colombia.
Courses currently on offer include nursery management and quality management, with plans for more content and an English version launching later in the year.
“We saw the importance in bringing an accessible digital experience to coffee producers around the globe, with high-quality content,” says Jorge Cuevas, Chief Coffee Officer of Sustainable Harvest.
“This platform is built for coffee producers, in their language, and designed to serve their unique needs.”