Neumann Gruppe (NG) on behalf of Neumann Kaffee Gruppe (NKG), is rejoining the Global Coffee Platform (GCP) as of December 2022.
The coincides with the launch of GCP 2.0, which will focus the work of the GCP on farmer prosperity. The new strategy is based on two pillars. First, uniting for actions via the GCP country platforms, which are locally driven initiatives allowing national and international, and public and private sector stakeholders to collectively identify country-specific priorities and work together to address them. Second, driving sustainable sourcing via the Coffee Sustainability Reference Code, which offers a common language to enable farmers, producer organisations and their business partners, as well as donors, NGOs, financial institutions and governments to advance coffee sustainability efforts, collaboratively and effectively.
NKG strives to participate in driving these changes from within and build up on an existing cooperation. In 2021, NKG already joined the pre-competitive collective initiative ‘Responsible use of agro-inputs for coffee’ of the GCP in Vietnam. The goal of the initiative is to foster the responsible use of agro-chemicals in Vietnam’s coffee production.
NKG’s supply chain program NKG Verified, which offers traceable coffees produced on farms meeting economic, social and environmental indicators, also participates in the Equivalence Mechanism of the GCP to be recognised as equivalent to the Coffee Sustainability Reference Code, to ensure NKG Verified meets the baseline sustainability practices of the coffee sector. NKG Bloom, NKG’s initiative focusing on improving farmer livelihoods, is already equivalent under GCP version 1.0.
NKG believes in the power of collaboration and works pre-competitively with other stakeholders to address global relevant sustainability topics such as climate change, profitability of cultivation for future generations, diversity or transparency.
GCP is a unique multi stakeholder membership association of coffee producers, traders, roasters and retailers, civil society, associations, governments, and donors, united under a common vision to work collectively towards a thriving, sustainable coffee sector for generations to come. GCP Members like NKG believe that sustainability is a shared responsibility to enhance farmers’ economic prosperity, improve well-being, and conservation of nature.
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