Brazil Specialty Coffee Association (BSCA) Executive Director Vanusia Nogueira attended the World of Coffee (WOC) Dubai, an event which was held for the first time in the Middle East and took place from 12 to 14 January 2022 and included the UAE National Championship.
Alongside the trade exhibition, WOC Dubai hosted the Roaster Village, live demonstrations and workshops, and the Coffee Design and Best New Product awards.
According to BSCA director Vanusia Nogueira, the event was mostly focused on business, but presented a promising future scenario in terms of the evolution of consumption.
“In addition to the large volume traded and to be traded after the fair, the presence of many children, accompanied by their parents, who ordered and drank coffee, called our attention,” she says.
“This is the future of consumption, and we had a very interesting impression in the Arab Emirates.”
As part of the “Brazil. The Coffee Nation” Sector Project, which the entity develops in partnership with the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil), Brazil had a stand at the event, where it promoted specialty coffees through cupping sessions and business rounds.
Emir of Dubai and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates, Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, also attended the event.
This approach enabled negotiating USD 2.634 million in business during the World of Coffee Dubai and the forecast of USD 20.720 million over the next 12 months, which, if confirmed, may generate USD 23.354 million.
The activity coordinated by BSCA yielded 660 professional contacts with potential buyers from across the Middle East and Europe present at the event, 561 of which were new.
The “Brazil. The Coffee Nation” Sector Project is developed by BSCA and Apex-Brasil, focusing on the commercial promotion of the Brazilian product abroad.
The objective is to strengthen the image of Brazilian coffee beans worldwide and to position the country as a high-quality supplier, using state-of-the-art technology resulting from research.
For more information, visit the Brazil Specialty Coffee Association website.