Re:Co is now accepting submissions for its 2022 Re:Co Symposium Fellowship Program, thanks to the support of illy and the Ernesto Illy Foundation.
The Re:Co Fellowship Program will take place in Boston, Massachusetts from 6 to 7 April 2022.
The company intends to award a group of qualified applicants a Fellowship that will cover the registration fee for the 2022 Re:co Symposium and includes complimentary access to the Specialty Coffee Expo.
Fellow applications are evaluated by a committee comprised of a sponsor representative, board member of SCA, specialty coffee community member, and past fellows.
The company says the Fellowship program is designed for people who lack the resources to attend Re:co, but who belong in the environment of leadership, deeper understanding, and progress that Re:co Symposium provides.
The ideal Re:co Fellow is a future or current leader in specialty coffee, driving the future of coffee.
Applications for the 2022 Re:Co Fellowship Program close on 21 February, and successful candidates will be notified by 7 March.
For more information, visit the Re:co Symposium website.