Ruan Zhumazhanov has won the 2019 United Arab Emirates (UAE) National AeroPress Championship at the Dubai Multi Commodities Center (DMCC) on 22 September.
A crowd of more than 700 attended the two-day finals, which Emerati coffee chain Mokha1450 organised.
“We are delighted to be organising the fourth edition of the UAE AeroPress Championship – the biggest coffee competition the region has ever seen,” said Garfield Kerr, CEO of Mokha 1450 before the event.
AeroPress is a specialised device for brewing filter coffee.
Ruan will fly to London to represent UAE at the World AeroPress Championship on 24 November.
More than 3100 baristas compete in national tournaments to earn the opportunity to represent their country at the World AeroPress Championships.
The world title is contested more than 60 national champions, who have eight minutes to prepare, brew and present their coffee.