The 12th edition of Sustainable Harvest’s annual event, Let’s Talk Coffee (LTC), took place outside Panama City in October. The conference drew more than 550 stakeholders, including coffee producers, roasters, NGOs, media members, and financiers to Central America. Boasting the theme Building a World-Class Supply Chain, LTC featured presentations from representatives of Prime Creative Media, Blue Bottle Coffee, the Wall Street Journal, Ben & Jerry’s, Allegro Coffee, Keurig Green Mountain, and the Specialty Coffee Association of America. LTC 2014 also featured the debut of a side conference called Let’s Talk Cocoa. Farmers, manufacturers, and other stakeholders from the specialty side of the cocoa industry came together for a series of workshops focused on cocoa production in Latin America. LTC 2014 recognised producers and roasters in Sustainable Harvest’s supply chain at the second annual HarVee Awards. The HarVees were launched at the 2013 LTC in El Salvador to recognise Sustainable Harvest coffee growers. This year the event added the Roaster HarVee Awards, with coffees evaluated in advance by Ken Davids of renowned publication Coffee Review. The Roaster HarVee Awards
South America
1st place: Blue Bottle Coffee — with coffee from Granja La Esperanza, Colombia
2nd place: Portland Roasting — with coffee from Casil, Peru
3rd place: Dillanos Coffee Roasters — with coffee from Granja La Esperanza, Colombia
1st place: Blue Bottle Coffee — with coffee from Homacho Waeno, Ethiopia
2nd place: Allegro Coffee — with coffee from Homacho Waeno, Ethiopia
3rd place: Gimme! Coffee — with coffee from Wotona Bultuma, Ethiopia
4th place: Nossa Familia Coffee — with coffee from MIG Washing Station, Rwanda
4th place: Allegro Coffee —with coffee from Buremera, Rwanda
Central America and Mexico
1st place: Equator Coffees & Teas — with coffee from Finca El Valle, Guatemala
2nd place: Dillanos Coffee Roasters — with coffee from Las Lajas, Costa Rica
2nd place: Water Avenue Coffee — with coffee from Finca El Manzano, El Salvador
3rd place: Cafe Moto — with coffee from Las Hermanas, Nicaragua
3rd place: Cafe Mystique — with coffee from 21 de Septiembre, Mexico
The Producer HarVee Awards
Quality: 1st place: Rwashoscco, Rwanda, 2nd place: Coocentral, Colombia, 3rd place: Chirinos, Peru
Consistency: 1st place: Frontera, Peru 2nd place: Llano Bonito, Costa Rica, Coopetarrazu, Costa Rica
Growth: 1st place: Soppexcca, Nicaragua, 2nd place: Acodihue, Guatemala, 3rd place: Sol & Cafe, Peru
Best Estate
Winner: Granja La Esperanza, Colombia
Rookie of the Year
Capucas, Honduras
Special Recognition Awards
Verna Eggleston, Bloomberg Philanthropies Bob Stiller, formerly of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters T.J. Whalen, formerly of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Jon Wettstein, formerly of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Scott McCreary, formerly of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Don Holly, formerly of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Michael Dupee, formerly of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters David Luce, formerly of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Susan Cote, formerly of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Rick Peyser, formerly of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters
New parametric solution delivered for drought-stricken coffee farmers in Vietnam
Risk management companies Willis and Global Parametrics have delivered the first payout of a parametric policy to coffee farmers in...