Tata Coffee has appointed K Venkataramanan as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Executive Director-Finance. The Economic Times of India has reported that Venkataramanan will replace M Deepak Kumar, the present CFO and Executive Director-Finance of the company. The role will take effect from 25 October, consequent to the retirement of M Deepak Kumar, according to The Economic Times of India. Venkataramanan joined Tata Global Beverages in 1990 and has held a number of positions throughout the company. He is a commerce graduate and has more than 27 year experience in diverse areas covering finance, taxation, treasury, and corporate restructuring initiatives, according to the article.
Faema partners with Leica Camera to host photo exhibition
Cimbali Group brand Faema has collaborated with Leica Camera Italia to present Il Sabato Rosa del Villaggio, a photo exhibition...