Over the next three years Victoria Arduino will continue to support the best baristas in the world with Mythos, the official grinder of the World Barista Championship (WBC).
Victoria Arduino will continue its long collaboration with World Coffee Events, sharing the goal of promoting high quality coffee.
“I am proud to confirm our sponsorship for the most prestigious competition in the world, the WBC,” says Fabio Ceccarani, CEO of Simonelli Group and owner of Victoria Arduino brand.
Ceccarani says being a WBC partner ensures Victoria Arduino the possibility to remain close to the front end of the coffee supply chain, understanding insights and driving Simonelli Group’s technological innovation toward supporting the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) and the coffee community.
“We’d like to congratulate all the sponsors who, together with Simonelli Group and Victoria Arduino, will have an active role in the next cycle of WBC competitions,” he adds.
Victoria Arduino says its relationship with World Coffee Events (WCE) has been built and strengthened over the years, not as a simple evolution, but as a real revolution, a change in the standards for the coffee world and in the quality of the world’s most significant coffee event.
World Barista Championships (WBC) sponsor since 2009, Simonelli Group introduced important technologies that allowed baristas to have greater control over the extraction.
“After the great collaboration we had with the WBC through our coffee machines, now we would like to enrich our experience by providing the competition with Mythos, todays undisputed and well-known leading product in the specialty grinding worldwide,” continues Ceccarani.
During the next years, the strategic programs of Simonelli Group and SCA will see the company more and more involved in different initiatives in the field of Education, Research, Retail, Sustainability, alongside with competitions.
“We will provide our technological know-how and our coffee culture, as well as our long experience in the competitions’ world, to contribute to the success of all SCA initiatives,” Ceccarani says.
With Mythos, Simonelli Group will bring its grinding expertise to raise quality standards and contribute to the growth and promotion of quality coffee, once again.
For more information, click here.