WMF Professional Coffee Machines has launched WMF AutoClean – the industry’s first fully automatic solution for cleaning.
Both the coffee system and milk system are cleaned in accordance with HACCP requirements without any external assistance. All of the time-consuming, error-prone cleaning tasks previously performed by the user are eliminated completely, and the input required from them is reduced to an absolute minimum.
An integrated timer can be used to specify exactly when and at what intervals the AutoClean system should start work – everything else is taken care of by the machine. State-of-the-art components guarantee automatic feeding, dispensing and monitoring of the cleaning agent. By the time the first staff member arrives at work, the machine will already have started up, cleaned itself and be ready to go. AutoClean deals with all the necessary tasks after work as well.
The system is available for the WMF 5000 S+.
For more information, visit www.wmf-coffeemachines.com or contact PCM@wmf.com