India’s only trade fair dedicated to the coffee and tea sectors will be held at the Bombay Exhibition Centre, Mumbai, from Thursday 6th Feb 2014 to Saturday 8th Feb 2014. The second edition is being held at a bigger venue to accommodate larger number of Exhibitors and visitors. This event will also include a conference, workshops and seminars that will be addressed by industry leaders from India and abroad. More than 100 Exhibitors from eight countries will display their products and technologies related to the hot beverage sector to an audience of 6000 decision makers from about 15 countries.
India is witnessing a growth in its domestic coffee and tea consumption largely thanks to the mushrooming of upmarket cafes and retail chains which are mostly frequented by students and young professionals. The coffee retail business in India is valued at more than US$130 million and growing at 6 per cent annually.
In addition to showcasing of brands, products, machinery & technologies, a business-to-business match-making program will form an integral part of WTCE’s 2014 show strategy.